Wednesday 24 June 2015

Symptoms and causes of Heart Attacks

With little time to exercise and unhealthy lifestyle, heart attacks have become a major concern across the globe. It has starting affecting young adults in their 20’s too.Heart attacks can cause permanent damage to the heart muscles.In this blog we have listed the symptoms and causes of heart attacks. Read on to know more.

Causes of heart attacks

The heart gets its supply of oxygen rich blood through coronary arteries. Incase a person is suffering from coronary heart diseases then the arteries get filled by fatty matter, proteins and calcium.This build a layer on the arteries called as plaque. The plaque is hard on the outside and soft inside. Blood clots are formed when the outer layer of the plaque cracks open causing the platelets to surround it.These blood clots block the coronary arteries thereby reducing the supply of oxygen to the heart ,causing heart attacks.
However, there are a few rare cases in which even if a person has no coronary diseases, can suffer a heart attack.Such heart attacks occur due to coronary spasms- the heart muscles contract involuntarily causing shortage of oxygen to the heart.
The heart’s ability to pump blood reduces after a heart attack.Thus, prevention is the only solution.

 Symptoms of heart attack are;
·         Tiredness or fatigue
·         Indigestion and  choking feeling
·         Sweating
·         Nausea or vomiting
·         Pain or heaviness in the chest or arm or below the breastbone.
·         Sharp pain that moves from the jaw ,neck or arm.
·         Irregular heartbeats
·         Anxiety
·         Shortness of breath
·         Sudden dizziness
Kharghar Medicity Hospital is well equipped with all modern amenities and caters to all emergency situations.Consult our cardiologist in case you suffer from any of the above symptoms.

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