Monday, 1 June 2015

Suffering from Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a condition that affects your breathing while sleeping. Frequent and loud snoring are some indications of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is treatable but it is often unrecognized due to its subtle signs.In this blog, learn to identify the warning signs of sleep apnea and treatments to overcome sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is of two types:
1)      Obstructive Sleep Apnea- This occurs due to compression of muscles found in the back of the throat.
2)      Central Sleep Apnea- This occurs when the brain does not send signals to the muscles which control breathing.
Mild Apnea can be treated by making certain lifestyle changes like losing weight,avoiding consumption of alcohol and by quitting smoking. Incase the condition deteriorates; one will have to look for other treatments. We have listed a few of the treatments in this blog.
1.       CPAP or Continuous Positive Airway Pressure- In this treatment a special mask is used over the nose or mouth while sleeping. The mask is attached to a machine which will supply air to the nose.This allows the airways to remain open during sleep.
2.       EPAP or Expiratory Positive Airway Pressure- These are special valve like devices which are placed over the nostrils.These can be used only once.These valves allow free movement of air especially while exhaling.This helps in keeping the airways open.EPAP helps in reducing snoring and makes a person less drowsy during the day time.
3.       BPAP or Bi- level Airway Pressure- These devices are similar to CPAPs except that BPAPs provide more pressure while inhaling and less pressure while exhaling.
4.       Oral Appliances-These oral appliances help in keeping the throat open.Oral appliances are beneficial in reducing mild sleep apnea and snoring.
Although sleep apnea can be cured by the methods discussed above,they  may fail in some cases. In such cases the doctor would prescribe surgical methods. One must treat sleep apnea before it could develop high blood pressure or diabetes.


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  1. What are the significant treatments available for central sleep apnea which is cost effective in Navi Mumbai ?

    1. Kindly visit our in house doctors and know more on sleep apnea.
