Wednesday 17 June 2015

Control diabetes with 10 super foods!

Today’s fast paced life with little time for eating and sleeping, is giving rise to host of diseases. However, there are certain foods that help in controlling diabetes.These foods are loaded with fiber, omega- 3 fatty acid ,calcium and vitamin D. We have listed a few foods that have been mentioned below.

1.       Oats- High in soluble fiber, oats help in slowing down the absorption process in the stomach thereby keeping blood sugar level in control.
2.       Yoghurts- Yogurts contain carbohydrates and proteins which help in controlling blood sugar levels. A study has proven that Greek yogurt contains more amount of proteins than regular yoghurts.Give it a try!
3.       Dates- Approximately 7 dates provide you with 4 gms of fiber. This makes dates a yummy snack and a perfect way to control diabetes.
4.       Tuna- Tuna is loaded with omega- 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.However, tunas also contain mercury, hence only 340 gms of tuna needs to be consumed per week.
5.       Beans- Loaded with lean proteins and soluble fiber, they help in burning fat from the body. Beans also help in lowering cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels.So make sure you have your beans regularly!
6.       Spinach- This green leafy vegetable is low in calories and hence help in lowering blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
7.       Avocados- These contain mono saturated fats which help in controlling blood sugar levels.
8.       Flaxseeds- Rich in omega -3 fatty acids they help in stabilizing blood sugar levels and controlling diabetes.
9.       Egg whites- Egg white of one large egg consists of 16 calories and 4 gm of high quality protein. Also, being rich in protein and low in carbohydrates they are a good way to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
10.   Salmon- Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and healthy fats,salmons slow down the absorption of carbohydrates which help in controlling the blood sugar levels.

Eating the right food along with good sleep and exercise is the mantra to good health. So improve your lifestyle and in case of any problems consult the diabetologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

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