Friday 26 June 2015

Fatty liver disease- don’t ignore!

Fatty liver disease is reversible condition of the liver.It occurs when the fat in the liver make up for more  than 5%- 10% of the liver’s weight.The main cause of fatty liver disease is over consumption of alcohol. Other factors such as obesity,hepatitis C ,weight loss etc also contribute in causing fatty liver disease.High levels of trigycerides can cause fatty liver disease.Timely treatment is the only solution as it could lead to alcoholic hepatitis if left untreated.

Fatty Liver disease can be of two types;
 1.Alcoholic liver disease or ALD: Over consumption of alcohol,obesity,hepatitis C, high amounts of iron in the blood all are factors that can cause ALD.

2.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Several factors such as obesity,malnutrition,diabetes,weight loss,autoimmune liver disease,build up of bacteria in the small intestine all contribute in causing NAFLD.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver disease are;
·         Extreme weakness
·         Sudden weight loss
·         Loss of appetite
·          Tiredness
·         Vomiting or Nausea
·          Problems in remembering
·         Increase in the size of the liver
·         Pain in the abdomen
·         Dark  patches on the neck or underarms

A person suffering from fatty liver disease can also develop cirrhosis. Her the liver is replaced with a scar tissue.Symptoms like internal bleeding, liver failure ,jaundice and build up of body fluids may be seen in a person suffering from cirrhosis.If you face any of these symptoms then consult a gastroenterologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

It is advisable to quit drinking and lead a healthy lifestyle. Choose health and not alcohol!

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