Monday 15 June 2015

Speak up ! Don’t shy away from depression.

If you are constantly in a low mood ,sleeping for long hours and have no interest in any activities, you could be a victim of depression.Depression can cause obesity, alcohol abuse, social isolation and suicidal thoughts.The good news is, depression can be treated! Certain anti depressants and psychological therapies help treat depression.
A study has shown that women are 70% more likely to be depressed than men. Changes in the hormones, family responsibilities, work pressure and stress all contribute in causing depression in women.Many others may suffer from depression if it runs in their family.
Listed below are few of the psychological treatments used to treat depression.

1.       Cognitive behavior Therapy- This therapy is suitable for people who are depressed and have a negative approach towards life.In such a therapy, a therapist conducts his therapy either on a one-on-one basis or in small groups. The number of sessions varies from one individual to another. Normally it takes  about 8- 10 sessions.
2.       Interpersonal Therapy-This therapy is suitable for people suffering from depression due to their social life or personality. In this therapy,people are made to identify the patterns in their relationship that led to depression so that they can focus on improving their relationships.This therapy may last for about 14- 16 sessions.
3.       Mindfulness cognitive Therapy- In this therapy, the depressed people are made to focus on their present and are made to focus on their breathing and feelings. This way people will realize what make them feel sad and let go off those feelings.
4.       Positive psychology- In this therapy, the therapist makes them cultivate good habits that they have so that they can achieve best things in their life.Overall well being of a person is taken care of in this therapy.
Do not shy away from speaking about your depression! It is treatable and definitely all of us should get another chance to mend our ways and lead a happy life.

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