Saturday 13 June 2015

Obesity – a Health Risk

Obesity is a growing concern among young people today.It is a condition in which a person has excess amount of body fat. Obese people are at a greater risk of developing life threatening diseases. With obesity comes a host of diseases such as high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides. Obesity is a lifestyle disease.It is caused because of a sedentary lifestyle, eating processed food and lack of outdoor activity.Insomnia can also cause a person to be obese.Medications for depression,diabetes etc can also lead to obesity. Thyroid problem and arthritis can also cause a person to gain weight leading to obesity.

If you have a body BMI of over 30, then you are obese.

Health problems due to obesity are;
1.       Coronary Heart diseases- An obese person can develop high blood pressure and high cholesterol all these can lead to coronary heart diseases.In Coronary heart disease, plaque develops in the coronary arteries which ultimately causes blockage in the arteries.Eventually the blood supply to the heart is reduced leading to heart attacks.
2.        Stroke- Blood clots form due to plaque in the arteries.In case the clot happens to be near the brain, it can block the flow of oxygen and cause a stroke.
3.       Cancer- Obesity can cause several cancers such as colon,breast,kidney,gall bladder, pancreas and ovaries.
4.       Type 2 diabetes- Obese people tend to have high blood sugar levels which can lead to kidney diseases, blindness and even death.
5.       Gout-Increased amount of uric acid in found in the blood supply of obese people.When uric acid forms crystals, it deposits on joints causing gout.
6.       Osteoarthritis- The weight of an obese person puts extra pressure on the joints causing to wear off. This leads to osteoarthritis.

Let not obesity be the reason for host of diseases. Change your lifestyle and lead a healthy lifestyle. Stay positive and be happy!

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