Monday, 29 June 2015

Take care of your spine.You have only one!

Severe and sudden back pain can wreck havoc in your life. It can hamper your walking and standing abilities.If you have been experiencing back pain for a long time ,you could be a victim of spinal fracture!

Spinal fractures are causes when there is compression of one bone against the other.It could also occur in the bones of the spinal cord. Fracture caused due to compression of one bone against another is known as vertebral compression fractures.

 Causes of spinal fractures
The main cause of spinal fracture is osteoporosis.However , other causes such as menopause, cancer,chemotherapy, hyperthyroidism and over use of corticosteroids can also cause spinal fracture.

Symptoms of spinal fracture.
A person suffering from spinal fracture may experience the following symptoms

·         Extreme pain in the back
·         Difficulty in standing and walking due to the pain
·         Sharp pain while bending or twisting
      Curved spine

It is advisable that a person does not neglect symptoms of spinal fracture as it could lead to the following conditions;
·         Weak muscles
·         Collapsed lungs
·         Abdominal organs will get compressed
·         Constipation
·         Obstruction in Bowel movements
·         Deteriorating osteoporosis
·         Pneumonia

Do not leave spinal fracture untreated as it could make your life miserable by not even allowing you to stand and sit comfortably. Kharghar Medicity Hospital houses best of surgeons and doctors. Consult a spine surgeon if the problem persists and prevent spinal fractures from causing more harm to your health.

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Measles – A deadly disease among children.

Measles is a contagious infection of the body caused by measles virus. It is also known as morbilli, rubeola or red measles. Early symptoms of measles are sneezing all day and high fever.Measles is believed to be one of the leading causes of death among young children.
 Measles can be prevented by vaccines like MMR and MMRV.These vaccines are administered in infancy.

Causes of measles

Measles is highly contagious and spreads easily through air or personal contact.The virus can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

Symptoms of Measles
After experiencing high fever for about 10- 12 days , a person may experience the following symptoms of measles;
·         Sore throat
·         Dry Cough
·         Runny nose
·         Sneezing
·         Fatigue or tiredness
·         Swollen lymph nodes
·         Watery or red eyes
·         Koplik’s spots – these are tiny white spots bluish white centres.These are normally found on the inner lining of the cheeks.

Consult a pediatrician at Kharghar Medicity Hospital and get your child vaccinated for Measles.Delaying treatment could lead to blindness, diarrhea or swelling in the brain!

Friday, 26 June 2015

Fatty liver disease- don’t ignore!

Fatty liver disease is reversible condition of the liver.It occurs when the fat in the liver make up for more  than 5%- 10% of the liver’s weight.The main cause of fatty liver disease is over consumption of alcohol. Other factors such as obesity,hepatitis C ,weight loss etc also contribute in causing fatty liver disease.High levels of trigycerides can cause fatty liver disease.Timely treatment is the only solution as it could lead to alcoholic hepatitis if left untreated.

Fatty Liver disease can be of two types;
 1.Alcoholic liver disease or ALD: Over consumption of alcohol,obesity,hepatitis C, high amounts of iron in the blood all are factors that can cause ALD.

2.Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): Several factors such as obesity,malnutrition,diabetes,weight loss,autoimmune liver disease,build up of bacteria in the small intestine all contribute in causing NAFLD.

Symptoms of Fatty Liver disease are;
·         Extreme weakness
·         Sudden weight loss
·         Loss of appetite
·          Tiredness
·         Vomiting or Nausea
·          Problems in remembering
·         Increase in the size of the liver
·         Pain in the abdomen
·         Dark  patches on the neck or underarms

A person suffering from fatty liver disease can also develop cirrhosis. Her the liver is replaced with a scar tissue.Symptoms like internal bleeding, liver failure ,jaundice and build up of body fluids may be seen in a person suffering from cirrhosis.If you face any of these symptoms then consult a gastroenterologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

It is advisable to quit drinking and lead a healthy lifestyle. Choose health and not alcohol!

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Symptoms and causes of Heart Attacks

With little time to exercise and unhealthy lifestyle, heart attacks have become a major concern across the globe. It has starting affecting young adults in their 20’s too.Heart attacks can cause permanent damage to the heart muscles.In this blog we have listed the symptoms and causes of heart attacks. Read on to know more.

Causes of heart attacks

The heart gets its supply of oxygen rich blood through coronary arteries. Incase a person is suffering from coronary heart diseases then the arteries get filled by fatty matter, proteins and calcium.This build a layer on the arteries called as plaque. The plaque is hard on the outside and soft inside. Blood clots are formed when the outer layer of the plaque cracks open causing the platelets to surround it.These blood clots block the coronary arteries thereby reducing the supply of oxygen to the heart ,causing heart attacks.
However, there are a few rare cases in which even if a person has no coronary diseases, can suffer a heart attack.Such heart attacks occur due to coronary spasms- the heart muscles contract involuntarily causing shortage of oxygen to the heart.
The heart’s ability to pump blood reduces after a heart attack.Thus, prevention is the only solution.

 Symptoms of heart attack are;
·         Tiredness or fatigue
·         Indigestion and  choking feeling
·         Sweating
·         Nausea or vomiting
·         Pain or heaviness in the chest or arm or below the breastbone.
·         Sharp pain that moves from the jaw ,neck or arm.
·         Irregular heartbeats
·         Anxiety
·         Shortness of breath
·         Sudden dizziness
Kharghar Medicity Hospital is well equipped with all modern amenities and caters to all emergency situations.Consult our cardiologist in case you suffer from any of the above symptoms.

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Friday, 19 June 2015

Natural remedies to control Thyroid functioning

Thyroid is the most important gland of our as it controls the functions of every cell in our body.Proper functioning of thyroid is very important as every system in the body gets affected if it doesnot.Improper functioning could lead to weight gain,hair loss ,dry skin ,fatigue and constipation.Thus, one needs to keep his thyroids healthy and here we have listed a few ways you could use.

Eat right
Eating a healthy and a balanced diet will help improve the hormone balance and can also reduce the side effects associated with low thyroid function.Include whole grains and foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids such as walnuts, salmons sardines etc. Flour, sugar and food containing trans fat must be avoided.


Exercising regularly and moderately boosts your mood, improves heart  function and improves your metabolism.Few yoga poses help in improving the thyroid function.Care must be taken that exercises you perform are moderate as excessive exercises increases the cortisol level. This makes it difficult for the body to covert T4 thyroid hormone to T3.

Quit smoking

Smoking increases the risk of developing thyroid problems.Components like thiocyanate and nicotine found in smoking component increases the secretion of iodine. This affects the functioning of thyroid.Smoking also increases the risk of hypothyroidism.

Include supplements

Few supplements help in improving the functioning of the thyroid

Selenium & zinc- Helps in keeping your thyroid gland healthy.
Vitamin A- helps in converting beta carotene to thyroid hormones.
Vitamin C & vitamin E- Helps in preventing heart diseases due to hypothyroidism.
 B vitamins- Helps in  preventing  cognitive and mood disorders resulting in low thyroid function.
Fish-oil supplements- protect the brain and heart.
Manage Stress
Emotional trauma, excessive stress can lead to low thyroid function. Relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises help reduce stress.Singing can also help in improving the thyroid’s health.

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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Control diabetes with 10 super foods!

Today’s fast paced life with little time for eating and sleeping, is giving rise to host of diseases. However, there are certain foods that help in controlling diabetes.These foods are loaded with fiber, omega- 3 fatty acid ,calcium and vitamin D. We have listed a few foods that have been mentioned below.

1.       Oats- High in soluble fiber, oats help in slowing down the absorption process in the stomach thereby keeping blood sugar level in control.
2.       Yoghurts- Yogurts contain carbohydrates and proteins which help in controlling blood sugar levels. A study has proven that Greek yogurt contains more amount of proteins than regular yoghurts.Give it a try!
3.       Dates- Approximately 7 dates provide you with 4 gms of fiber. This makes dates a yummy snack and a perfect way to control diabetes.
4.       Tuna- Tuna is loaded with omega- 3 fatty acids and vitamin D.However, tunas also contain mercury, hence only 340 gms of tuna needs to be consumed per week.
5.       Beans- Loaded with lean proteins and soluble fiber, they help in burning fat from the body. Beans also help in lowering cholesterol levels and stabilize blood sugar levels.So make sure you have your beans regularly!
6.       Spinach- This green leafy vegetable is low in calories and hence help in lowering blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes.
7.       Avocados- These contain mono saturated fats which help in controlling blood sugar levels.
8.       Flaxseeds- Rich in omega -3 fatty acids they help in stabilizing blood sugar levels and controlling diabetes.
9.       Egg whites- Egg white of one large egg consists of 16 calories and 4 gm of high quality protein. Also, being rich in protein and low in carbohydrates they are a good way to help stabilize blood sugar levels.
10.   Salmon- Rich in omega 3 fatty acids, proteins and healthy fats,salmons slow down the absorption of carbohydrates which help in controlling the blood sugar levels.

Eating the right food along with good sleep and exercise is the mantra to good health. So improve your lifestyle and in case of any problems consult the diabetologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

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Monday, 15 June 2015

Speak up ! Don’t shy away from depression.

If you are constantly in a low mood ,sleeping for long hours and have no interest in any activities, you could be a victim of depression.Depression can cause obesity, alcohol abuse, social isolation and suicidal thoughts.The good news is, depression can be treated! Certain anti depressants and psychological therapies help treat depression.
A study has shown that women are 70% more likely to be depressed than men. Changes in the hormones, family responsibilities, work pressure and stress all contribute in causing depression in women.Many others may suffer from depression if it runs in their family.
Listed below are few of the psychological treatments used to treat depression.

1.       Cognitive behavior Therapy- This therapy is suitable for people who are depressed and have a negative approach towards life.In such a therapy, a therapist conducts his therapy either on a one-on-one basis or in small groups. The number of sessions varies from one individual to another. Normally it takes  about 8- 10 sessions.
2.       Interpersonal Therapy-This therapy is suitable for people suffering from depression due to their social life or personality. In this therapy,people are made to identify the patterns in their relationship that led to depression so that they can focus on improving their relationships.This therapy may last for about 14- 16 sessions.
3.       Mindfulness cognitive Therapy- In this therapy, the depressed people are made to focus on their present and are made to focus on their breathing and feelings. This way people will realize what make them feel sad and let go off those feelings.
4.       Positive psychology- In this therapy, the therapist makes them cultivate good habits that they have so that they can achieve best things in their life.Overall well being of a person is taken care of in this therapy.
Do not shy away from speaking about your depression! It is treatable and definitely all of us should get another chance to mend our ways and lead a happy life.

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Saturday, 13 June 2015

Obesity – a Health Risk

Obesity is a growing concern among young people today.It is a condition in which a person has excess amount of body fat. Obese people are at a greater risk of developing life threatening diseases. With obesity comes a host of diseases such as high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, high levels of triglycerides. Obesity is a lifestyle disease.It is caused because of a sedentary lifestyle, eating processed food and lack of outdoor activity.Insomnia can also cause a person to be obese.Medications for depression,diabetes etc can also lead to obesity. Thyroid problem and arthritis can also cause a person to gain weight leading to obesity.

If you have a body BMI of over 30, then you are obese.

Health problems due to obesity are;
1.       Coronary Heart diseases- An obese person can develop high blood pressure and high cholesterol all these can lead to coronary heart diseases.In Coronary heart disease, plaque develops in the coronary arteries which ultimately causes blockage in the arteries.Eventually the blood supply to the heart is reduced leading to heart attacks.
2.        Stroke- Blood clots form due to plaque in the arteries.In case the clot happens to be near the brain, it can block the flow of oxygen and cause a stroke.
3.       Cancer- Obesity can cause several cancers such as colon,breast,kidney,gall bladder, pancreas and ovaries.
4.       Type 2 diabetes- Obese people tend to have high blood sugar levels which can lead to kidney diseases, blindness and even death.
5.       Gout-Increased amount of uric acid in found in the blood supply of obese people.When uric acid forms crystals, it deposits on joints causing gout.
6.       Osteoarthritis- The weight of an obese person puts extra pressure on the joints causing to wear off. This leads to osteoarthritis.

Let not obesity be the reason for host of diseases. Change your lifestyle and lead a healthy lifestyle. Stay positive and be happy!

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