Saturday 11 July 2015

Symptoms of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis also known as MTB or TB, is widespread and may be fatal in few cases. It is infectious disease caused mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB normally affects the lungs but it can affect other parts of the body. If you have a cough lasting for more than 3 weeks with a nagging pain in the chest, it could possibly be TB!

Symptoms of Tuberculosis are;

·         Cough lasting for more than 3 weeks
·         Cough with yellow or green mucus
·          Blood in mucus while coughing
·         Extreme fatigue
·         Sudden weight loss
·         Fever
·         Sweating at night
·         Chills
·         Shortness of breath
·         Chest pain
·         Pain in the kidneys

Tuberculosis infection is spread through air when people having active TB infection sneeze or cough. Most infections do not show symptoms and is known as latent tuberculosis. However, one in ten latent infections turn into active TB .If left untreated can lead to death.

According to a study by WHO in 2013,out of the 9 million people affected  by Tuberculosis , 1.5 million people died.

It is highly recommended that a person showing any of the symptoms get himself examined at the earliest. Tuberculosis , if left untreated can lead to liver problems, heart disorders , spinal damage and joint damage. In few cases it can cause swelling of the membranes that cover our brain.

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