Monday 27 July 2015

Learn to recognize symptoms of Down syndrome

What is Down syndrome?

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused due to abnormal division of cells resulting in extra genetic materials from chromosome 21.Simply put, down syndrome occurs when a baby acquires an extra chromosome at birth.  Down syndrome varies from one individual to another. Its severity also varies among individuals and in some it may cause lifelong intellectual and developmental disability.

 Symptoms of Down syndrome
A child with Down syndrome may show the following symptoms
·         Slanting eyes
·         Flat Face
·         Small ears
·          Short limbs
·         Small fingers
·         Short height
·         Small white spots on the iris Loose joints
·         Tongue sticking out

Who is at risk of developing Down syndrome?
A child may develop Down syndrome in the following cases;
1.       If the mother is pregnant after the age of 35 or more. After the age of 40 the risk of developing Down syndrome increases to 1 in 100.
2.       If the family has a history of having Down syndrome
3.       If either the mother or father suffers from Down syndrome.

If your child suffers from any of the above symptoms then consult a pediatric surgeon at Kharghar Medicity Hospital and get your child examined.

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