Friday 17 July 2015

Sleep early to reap its benefits

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Absolutely true! In today’s fast paced life everybody is in hurry and losing sleep over every small issue. Staying up till late in the night has its side effects. According to a study by National Sleep Foundation, an adult needs to sleep for atleast seven hours every night. Sleeping for less than seven  hours may damage to your health.
 We have listed a few ill effects of sleeping late.

1.       Stress: Ideally a person should sleep at the same time every night and avoid any strenuous activity before sleeping time. Sleeping late leads to a lot of stress. This could further lead to depression, schizophrenia and Alzheimer’s

2.       Obesity: Sleeping for less number of hours causes your body to produce hunger hormone ghrelin which makes people feel hungry all the time.This makes people crave for more food and also eat a lot of junk food. This may lead to obesity.

3.       Stroke: People who sleep less are 4 times more likely to suffer from a stroke when compared to people to who sleep for atleast 7 hours every night.

4.       Diabetes:The body does not respond to insulin in late sleepers. This increases the insulin level of the body thereby causing diabetes.

5.       Heart disease: According to a study, people who sleep for less than seven hours produce more amounts of chemicals and hormones that cause heart diseases.
6.       Death: Last but not the least people who sleep less are more likely to die at a young age. In a research it was found that men who slept for less than six hours every night are four times more likely to die within 14 years of his life.

It is advisable that everyone sleeps for atleast seven hours every night to avoid any damage to health. Health is your hands so sleep well and stay healthy!

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