Thursday 23 July 2015

Suffering from an Ear Infection?

Ear is an important and delicate organ of the human body.Ears allow you to hear different sounds.If you are suffering from pain and fluid drainage from the ear then you might be suffering from an ear infection. The Ear is connected with nose and throat hence if a person suffers from flu or cold the ears also get affected.

 Symptoms of ear infection
The symptoms are different in children and adults.
1.        Children
A child may show any of the following symptoms
·         Very irritable
·         Difficulty in sleeping
·         Pulling feeling in the ear
·         Crying for no reason
·         Headache
·         High fever
·         Fluid discharge from the ear

      2.  Adults
An adult may show any of the following symptoms.
·         Discharge of fluid from the ear
·         Ear pain
·         Difficulty in hearing

It is highly recommended that ear infection must not be ignored as the fluid might build up in the ear and cause serious infections. Ear infection may spread to the brain. If not treated at the right time, ear infection may cause the eardrums to tear off and lead to hearing loss

If you show any of the above symptoms and find it difficult to hear then consult an ENT specialist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

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