Wednesday 1 July 2015

Secondhand smoke- Very harmful!

It is a well known fact that smoking is injurious to health.But did you know that second hand smoke is equally injurious? Inhaling the smoke involuntarily, from the person who is smoking is known as secondhand smoke.Second hand smoke sources could be cigarettes,cigars etc.Secondhand smoke puts you at a higher risk of several diseases.

Second hand smoke can cause your blood to thicken and develop blood clots.Apart from blood thickening, it may also cause the tissues in the nose to thicken.Babies may suddenly develop infant death syndrome( SIDS). Young children may develop asthma or ear infection or eye irritation. Pregnant women are at an increased risk of delivering premature or underweight babies. Read on to know about the ill effects of second hand smoke

Health risks
It is believed that secondhand smoke consists of around 250 harmful chemicals, a few of which are cancer causing.Harmful chemicals like vinyl chloride,benzene ,cadmium, ethylene oxide etc are found in secondhand smoke.
Experts at Kharghar Medicity Hospital have listed a few harmful diseases caused due to secondhand smoke.
1.       Lung diseases- chest congestion, cough, decreased lung functions are all caused to secondhand smoke. Infants, if exposed to secondhand smoke , may develop pneumonia and bronchitis.
2.       Lung Cancer- inhaling secondhand smoke puts you at a higher risk of developing lung cancer than those who are not exposed to second hand smoke.
3.       Cardiovascular diseases- secondhand smoke increases the risk of coronary heart diseases.Oxygen in the blood gets replaced with carbon monoxide present in the second hand smoke and causes permanent damage to the heart and its tissues.
4.       Sinusitis- secondhand smoke causes thickening of tissues in the nose thereby slowing down the flow of mucus.Harmful bacteria starts building up causing sinusitis.
5.       Breast Cancer- Secondhand smoke puts non-smokers at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

A pulmologist is the best person to consult and know more about the ill effects of secondhand smoke. Visit Kharghar Medicity Hospital and avail the medical services for a better and a healthier you!

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