Thursday 9 July 2015

Myths on heart diseases you always thought were true

 In this www world, it is easy to be misguided by information posted all over the internet. In this blog we have listed a few facts on heart disease which were not known to many. Read on to know about the ‘silent killer’.

Myth 1: Heart disease happen to older people
Fact: The fact is that heart disease can affect people of all age groups. It can affect anyone having high levels of cholesterol and high blood pressure. In addition to this, eating junk food, smoking , drinking and unhealthy lifestyle can increase the risk of developing heart diseases.
Myth 2: Heart attacks do not occur in physically fit people.
Fact: On the contrary, it  can affect physically fit people. Factors such as hereditary, smoking , drinking contribute to heart diseases. Although obese people are at a higher risk of developing heart diseases, thin people can also be affected by clogged arteries due to high cholesterol. 
 Myth 3:  Heart attack symptoms are easy to recognize.
Fact:As a matter of fact it is very difficult to recognize symptoms of heart attack. Several symptoms together make up for a heart attack.
 Myth 4: Only men get heart attack
Fact: On the contrary, heart attack is one of the leading causes of death in women .According to a study, it is six times more harmful than breast cancer. However, women are less likely to suffer from heart attack during their reproductive years. Factors like smoking, drinking, unhealthy lifestyle and contraceptive pills, increase the risk of developing heart diseases.
Myth 5: Stopping intake of fatty foods is good.
Fact: Our body does need some amount of fat. Saturated and trans fat must be avoided while unsaturated fat must be consumed. Include fish, nuts and avocados in your diet.

Myth 6: Stop exercising after a heart disease
Fact: Stopping all forms exercise totally will do more harm than good. Instead exercise moderately to recover from a heart disease under the guidance of your cardiologist.
One should be well informed about the heart diseases and its symptoms so as to avoid any further complications.However, one must take care to ensure that he gets only accurate information and not misguided by false information. If you show symptoms of tiredness, fatigue , chest pain etc , consult the cardiologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital and get yourself examined.

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