Friday 15 May 2015

Suffering from Asthma?

Are you suffering from shortness of breath? Do you produce a whistling sound while exhaling?You might be suffering from Asthma.Asthma is a chronic disease,if left untreated it can lead to serious health problems like pneumonia, lung failure and even death! To know more about the symptoms read on…

What is Asthma?

Asthma occurs when the airways get swollen up. This makes the airways become narrow and it gets filled up with mucus. This causes difficulty in breathing.
A person may suffer from severe asthma attacks when there is tightening of the muscles in the airways. Asthma attacks worsen when there is a change in the weather or pollens in the sir. In some cases a cold or a flu can also trigger asthma attacks.

Symptoms of Asthma
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the symptoms of Asthma occur in cold environment, in case of heavy physical workouts and extreme emotions such as fear or anger. Also, symptoms of Asthma vary from one individual to another.
The symptoms of asthma are as follows:
·        - Shortness of breath
·         -Wheezing
·        - Coughing or wheezing at nights
·         -Tightness in the chest
·         -Pain in the chest

If asthma is not treated in the initial stages, it can lead to several health complications and also interfere with your day-to-day activities.It interferes with your sleep.It can disrupt your work life and social life and can lead to depression.

Consult a good pulmonologist and get yourself treated for asthma.

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