Tuesday 19 May 2015

Precautions to be taken during pregnancy

So, you are pregnant? Great news! It is time to celebrate. Read on to know what a woman should do and not do during her pregnancy.
A woman undergoes physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. These changes occur due to changes in the hormones, change in the blood volume and other factors. One must take good care and precautions during pregnancy so as to ensure healthy development of the baby. We have listed a few do’s and dont’s for your benefit.

1.       Take your Medicines religiously- A pregnant woman should never skip her medications. The medications normally include folic acid , calcium and iron which helps in preventing neural defects in the fetus. Your diet must contain fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.

2.       Intake of water- Water helps a pregnant woman deal with the increase in hormone levels. It also helps reduce constipation and fatigue.

3.       Avoid drinking and smoking and reduce caffeine consumption- A pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking during pregnancy. Drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome while smoking can cause sudden death of the infant. In some cases it causes premature delivery and miscarriages too. Avoid over-consumption of tea, coffee, colas, chocolates, cocoa during pregnancy.

4.       Seafood- Certain seafood or fish such as swordfish, tuna and salmon should be avoided during pregnancy. Other seafood high in levels of mercury should be avoided.

5.        Consult your physician before taking any medicines- Always consult your physician before taking any medicines. Your physician will recommend when you need to discontinue or continue your medications.

Follow a healthy diet and proper lifestyles to avoid complications during your pregnancy. Consult your gynecologist in case of any problems immediately.

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