Tuesday 12 May 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Epilepsy

Experiencing rhythmic movements in your hands and legs or smacking of lips? Having trouble in breathing? You could be suffering from epilepsy.Treat it before it becomes worse!

What is Epilepsy?
When a person suffers from frequent seizures,it is known as epilepsy.In other words, it is when a person experiences vigorous shaking for short or long duration of time.
Seizures can be classified as
1.       Generalized – This type of seizure occurs when all the parts of the brain are involved.
2.       Focal – Here, only a part of the brain is involved in causing the seizure.

Symptoms of Epilepsy
Generalized Epilepsy
·         -Confused state of mind
·        - Shaking of arms and legs
·         -Problems in breathing 
·         -Eyes kept open
·         -Skin turns blue
·        - Loss of urine
·        -Cries

2.       Focal seizures
·       -  Confused state of mind
·         -Shaking of arms and legs
·         -Feeling of fullness full in the stomach
·       -  Lip smacking
·       -  Confused state of mind

Causes of Epilepsy
·         -Less oxygen during birth.
·        - Injuries to head during birth or later in life due to accidents.
·      -   Brain tumors.
·         -Genetic conditions such as tuberous sclerosis.
·       - Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis.

If a person has been suffering from any of the above mentioned symptoms, visit the nearest neurologist and get it treated. Epilepsy can wreak havoc in one’s personal life both emotionally and socially .Get it treated before it could lead to more severe problems.

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