Friday 1 May 2015

Lose your weight a healthy way.

Like every year this year too you must have resolved to lose weight. Have you started? The answer will definitely be a NO. Office parties, family functions, dinners with friends and so on . All these reasons definitely must have hindered your weight loss programs. Honestly, a balanced diet along with some form of exercise is all it takes to lose weight in a healthy way.

A balanced and a healthy diet to lose weight

Definitely, a diet will help you lose weight but slowly. Don’t expect the results overnight. Adopt a practical method and diet that will help you reduce weight over a period of time. A small diet plan has been chalked below.

  • Breakfast – Start your day with a healthy breakfast comprising of cereals,milk,oats and fruits.Upma ,Idlis also serve the purpose. Parathas can be had once or twice a week minus the ghee. Never skip breakfast.This could lead to more hunger pangs by mid morning resulting in over snacking later in the day.

  • Lunch – Your lunch should include a bowl of rice, a bowl of vegetable, rotis, dal and yoghurt for proteins. Yoghurt are probiotics and aids digestion.

  • Evening snack – Dry fruits or a bowl of fresh fruits along with green tea should be had in the evenings.

  • Dinner – Dinner should be light and proteins like pulses and milk must be avoided during dinner. A bowl of brown rice,rotis and a vegetable should be included in your dinner.

Besides following the above diet plan, one must drink atleast 8 glasses of water every day to keep your body hydrated and junk food must be avoided. Regular exercise and a good night’s sleep of atleast 7 hours every night will definitely work wonders for you.

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