Friday 8 May 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Feeling tired, dizzy all the time? Suffering from headaches regularly? You could be suffering from anemia. Anemia is an ailment where the blood contains fewer red blood cells.Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to all the parts of the body. Although the symptoms of anemia are mild, it could lead to cardiovascular diseases and even death in few cases. It is advisable that one seek professional help and treat anemia at the earliest.

Types of Anemia

1.       Sickle cell Anemia-  This type of anemia is caused due to sickle shaped red blood cells.
2.       Iron deficiency- This type of anemia occurs when there is a deficiency of iron in the body.
3.       Vitamin deficiency- This type of anemia occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin B-12.
4.       Hemolytic Anemia- This type of anemia occurs in people whose bodies destroy red blood cells faster than the rate that they are produced.

Symptoms of Anemia;

·         Frequent Headaches
·         Tiredness
·         Poor concentration
·         Weakness
·         Irregular heartbeats
·          Pain in the chest
·         Cold hands and feet
·         Pale skin colour
·          Breath shortness
·         Dizziness
·         Jaundice
·         Bone deformities
·         Ulcers

Causes of Anemia;

-Excessive bleeding
-The body fails to produce red blood cells
-The body itself destroys the red blood cells.

It is recommended that a person suffering from anemia take immediate precautions and seek medical assistance.
Eat healthy , stay fit and lead a happy life!

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