Friday, 29 May 2015

Symptoms of Conjunctivitis

Have you been experiencing burning sensation and itchiness in your eyes? Have your eyes turned red? You might be experiencing symptoms of conjunctivitis.
What is conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis is that condition of eyes which causes inflammation of conjunctiva. Conjunctiva is the transparent membrane that covers the white part of the eyeball.Conjunctivitis is also called as the pink eye.Read on to know more about its causes and symptoms.
Causes of Conjunctivitis
Foreign objects, Viruses, bacteria, chemical splash and  allergies are the reasons that cause conjunctivitis
The symptoms of conjunctivitis are;
·         -Redness in the eye
·         -Teary eyes
·         -Burning sensation
·         -Itchiness in the eye
·         -Thick yellow discharge that forms over the eye especially at nights
·         -Blurriness in  vision
·         -Yellow or green discharge from the eye


Certain factors that increase the risk of conjunctivitis are;
·         -Exposure to allergic substances
·         -Conjunctivitis is contagious and any contact with the person either directly or indirectly can cause conjunctivitis.
·         -Usage of contact lenses and not maintaining hygiene can also cause conjunctivitis.

        One must treat conjunctivitis because if left untreated, it can cause inflammation of the cornea which can affect the vision.An ophthalmologist will help you treat conjunctivitis.


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Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Causes and risks of ovarian cancer

What is ovarian cancer?

Ovarian cancer occurs in women and it begins in the ovaries. There are two ovaries, one on each side of the uterus.Ovaries produce hormones like estrogen and progesterone and are responsible for producing eggs or ova. A woman with a BMI of 30 and above and is a smoker is at a high risk of developing ovarian cancer.If left untreated, ovarian cancer can damage the lungs, bones or liver and can cause intestinal blockage too. Read on to know more about ovarian cancer and its precautions.
Our body is made up of cells which forms the organs. Generally, old cells are replaced by new cells but sometimes the cells are unable to do so. New cells do not grow on time while old cells do not die. These cells cause an abnormal increase in the number of cells which is known as tumour. Tumours form several blood vessels for its development. It can either be malignant or benign. Of the two, malignant tumour can cause great damage to the body as these cells enter into the surrounding cells.This effect is known as metastasis.

Factors that increase the risk of ovarian cancer are;

1   Women having a BMI of 30 or more
2    Women above 40 years of age are or have reached menopause are at an increased risk of developing ovarian cancer
3      Late pregnancy can cause ovarian cancer.
4   Drugs used for fertility treatments or estrogen hormone replacement treatment can cause ovarian cancer in women.
5    Diabetes and endometriosis can cause ovarian cancer
7      Smoking

Getting timely treatment is far better than regretting later.Regular checkups will help you in understanding your body.Treat ovarian cancer before it damages other parts of your body. Visit gynecologist at Kharghar Medicity Hospital and know more details about ovarian cancer.

Treat your body well .After all you have just one body to live in! Regular exercise, balanced diet and a positive attitude towards life work wonders for you.

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Friday, 22 May 2015

Some facts on Rheumatoid Arthritis

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Rheumatoid Arthritis is a disease that is characterized by the inflammation of joints.It causes a lot of pain and swelling in the joints. If you are suffering from Rheumatoid Arhtritis you might be vulnerable to a heart attack. Rheumatoid causes inflammation which is not good for the heart. People suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis are twice more likely to develop a heart attack than people who don’t. People leading a healthy lifestyle and are victims of Rheumatoid arthritis can suffer a heart attack.Follow the simple measures that we have mentioned in this blog and reduce the risks of developing a heart attack
Rheumatoid Arthritis causes inflammation which narrows the blood vessels.This forms plaque in the arteries, which on breaking off enter the blood stream and clogs the arteries.This blockage of arteries causes heart attacks.Also people suffering from Rheumatoid arthritis are found to have diastolic dysfunction. It is an abnormality in the way the heart pumps blood when it is in diastole or while relaxing.

To reduce the risks of suffering a heart attack due to Rheumatoid arthritis, follow the guidelines given below
·       -  Keep your physician informed about heart disease in your family.
·       -  Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables whole grains, poultry fish and nuts.
·       -  Reduce intake of salt and avoid foods containing saturated fats and trans fats.
·         -Consult your physician and incorporate a exercise regime
·         -Maintain a healthy BMI and manage your weight.
·        - Quit smoking
·       -  Regular checkups on your cholesterol and blood pressure in a must.

Consult a Rheumatologist and avoid complicating your life! Prevent Rheumatoid arthritis from developing into heart attacks and save your life!

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Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Precautions to be taken during pregnancy

So, you are pregnant? Great news! It is time to celebrate. Read on to know what a woman should do and not do during her pregnancy.
A woman undergoes physical and emotional changes during pregnancy. These changes occur due to changes in the hormones, change in the blood volume and other factors. One must take good care and precautions during pregnancy so as to ensure healthy development of the baby. We have listed a few do’s and dont’s for your benefit.

1.       Take your Medicines religiously- A pregnant woman should never skip her medications. The medications normally include folic acid , calcium and iron which helps in preventing neural defects in the fetus. Your diet must contain fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.

2.       Intake of water- Water helps a pregnant woman deal with the increase in hormone levels. It also helps reduce constipation and fatigue.

3.       Avoid drinking and smoking and reduce caffeine consumption- A pregnant woman should give up smoking and drinking during pregnancy. Drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome while smoking can cause sudden death of the infant. In some cases it causes premature delivery and miscarriages too. Avoid over-consumption of tea, coffee, colas, chocolates, cocoa during pregnancy.

4.       Seafood- Certain seafood or fish such as swordfish, tuna and salmon should be avoided during pregnancy. Other seafood high in levels of mercury should be avoided.

5.        Consult your physician before taking any medicines- Always consult your physician before taking any medicines. Your physician will recommend when you need to discontinue or continue your medications.

Follow a healthy diet and proper lifestyles to avoid complications during your pregnancy. Consult your gynecologist in case of any problems immediately.

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Friday, 15 May 2015

Suffering from Asthma?

Are you suffering from shortness of breath? Do you produce a whistling sound while exhaling?You might be suffering from Asthma.Asthma is a chronic disease,if left untreated it can lead to serious health problems like pneumonia, lung failure and even death! To know more about the symptoms read on…

What is Asthma?

Asthma occurs when the airways get swollen up. This makes the airways become narrow and it gets filled up with mucus. This causes difficulty in breathing.
A person may suffer from severe asthma attacks when there is tightening of the muscles in the airways. Asthma attacks worsen when there is a change in the weather or pollens in the sir. In some cases a cold or a flu can also trigger asthma attacks.

Symptoms of Asthma
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), the symptoms of Asthma occur in cold environment, in case of heavy physical workouts and extreme emotions such as fear or anger. Also, symptoms of Asthma vary from one individual to another.
The symptoms of asthma are as follows:
·        - Shortness of breath
·         -Wheezing
·        - Coughing or wheezing at nights
·         -Tightness in the chest
·         -Pain in the chest

If asthma is not treated in the initial stages, it can lead to several health complications and also interfere with your day-to-day activities.It interferes with your sleep.It can disrupt your work life and social life and can lead to depression.

Consult a good pulmonologist and get yourself treated for asthma.

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Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Epilepsy

Experiencing rhythmic movements in your hands and legs or smacking of lips? Having trouble in breathing? You could be suffering from epilepsy.Treat it before it becomes worse!

What is Epilepsy?
When a person suffers from frequent seizures,it is known as epilepsy.In other words, it is when a person experiences vigorous shaking for short or long duration of time.
Seizures can be classified as
1.       Generalized – This type of seizure occurs when all the parts of the brain are involved.
2.       Focal – Here, only a part of the brain is involved in causing the seizure.

Symptoms of Epilepsy
Generalized Epilepsy
·         -Confused state of mind
·        - Shaking of arms and legs
·         -Problems in breathing 
·         -Eyes kept open
·         -Skin turns blue
·        - Loss of urine
·        -Cries

2.       Focal seizures
·       -  Confused state of mind
·         -Shaking of arms and legs
·         -Feeling of fullness full in the stomach
·       -  Lip smacking
·       -  Confused state of mind

Causes of Epilepsy
·         -Less oxygen during birth.
·        - Injuries to head during birth or later in life due to accidents.
·      -   Brain tumors.
·         -Genetic conditions such as tuberous sclerosis.
·       - Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis.

If a person has been suffering from any of the above mentioned symptoms, visit the nearest neurologist and get it treated. Epilepsy can wreak havoc in one’s personal life both emotionally and socially .Get it treated before it could lead to more severe problems.

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Friday, 8 May 2015

Causes and Symptoms of Anemia

Feeling tired, dizzy all the time? Suffering from headaches regularly? You could be suffering from anemia. Anemia is an ailment where the blood contains fewer red blood cells.Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen to all the parts of the body. Although the symptoms of anemia are mild, it could lead to cardiovascular diseases and even death in few cases. It is advisable that one seek professional help and treat anemia at the earliest.

Types of Anemia

1.       Sickle cell Anemia-  This type of anemia is caused due to sickle shaped red blood cells.
2.       Iron deficiency- This type of anemia occurs when there is a deficiency of iron in the body.
3.       Vitamin deficiency- This type of anemia occurs due to deficiency of Vitamin B-12.
4.       Hemolytic Anemia- This type of anemia occurs in people whose bodies destroy red blood cells faster than the rate that they are produced.

Symptoms of Anemia;

·         Frequent Headaches
·         Tiredness
·         Poor concentration
·         Weakness
·         Irregular heartbeats
·          Pain in the chest
·         Cold hands and feet
·         Pale skin colour
·          Breath shortness
·         Dizziness
·         Jaundice
·         Bone deformities
·         Ulcers

Causes of Anemia;

-Excessive bleeding
-The body fails to produce red blood cells
-The body itself destroys the red blood cells.

It is recommended that a person suffering from anemia take immediate precautions and seek medical assistance.
Eat healthy , stay fit and lead a happy life!

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