Monday 20 April 2015

Stay cool with these cool foods.

 Summer is here and so is the sweltering heat! Summer brings with it several health issues including dehydration and exhaustion. This happens due to the heat generated in our body. To stay healthy even in the summer, one must consume foods that help the body in cooling down. Here’s a list of such ‘cool ’foods.

Curd – A great source protein,  probiotics and vitamins, it makes up for a super food during summer. It can be used to prepare buttermilk, lassi and flavoured yoghurt. It cools the body and replenishes it with minerals that are often lost due to perspiration.

Coconut water – Coconut water is loaded with natural electrolytes and benefits the body by replacing the lost fluids. A perfect beverage for summer, coconut water is fat free and is great to taste.

Cucumber –  Have it in your salads or plain, cucumbers make for good summer food . 96% of cucumber is made up of water, which helps in preventing dehydration. One can also have cucumber juice or soups to beat the heat.

Watermelon –  95%  content of watermelon  is water. This delicious fruit can be had as it or with a dash of pepper.

Lemon Juice–  Lemon  juice helps the body replace the lost minerals due to sweating. Have a glassful everyday and feel refreshed!

Sugarcane Juice – Sugar cane juice is packed with calcium, magnesium,iron ,manganese ,potassium and iron. It also has a low glycemic index making this sweet juice a great energy drink for summer.

Leafy vegetables like spinach , broccoli, peas, gourds etc have  a water content of about 75%. These vegetables supply our body with he essential nutrients and promote good health by improving our immune system.

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