Tuesday 7 April 2015

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer develops in the breast tissues.The first sign of breast cancer is indicated by a lump in the breast or an abnormal mammogram. Breast cancer can affect both men and women.Men too need to pay attention to these details. Breast cancer at an early stage can be cured while metastic breast cancer needs several treatments.

Several factors such as obesity ,lack of physical activity, consumption of alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause,early age at first menstruation, having children at an older age are all responsible for causing breast cancer.

Participate in the Breast Cancer awareness camp at Medicity Hospital Kharghar.

All primitive Cancer detection tests at special reasonable rates. 

Prevention is better than cure! take precautions and fight Cancer!

#khargharmedicityhospital #medicityhospitalkharghar #hospitalsinkharghar #hospitalsinbelapur #hospitalinkalamboli #hospitalinkamothe

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