Thursday 23 April 2015

Protect your kidneys

Kidney diseases are highly prevalent not only in India but across the globe as well. Every 1 out of 10 people in India suffer from kidney disease. Most of the kidney diseases are preventable and curable. The worst part is, many people are not even aware  that they are suffering from the disease.

Read on to know some facts about your kidneys.
Situated on either side of the spin, kidneys not only purify blood but also regulate the water in the body and releases hormones into the blood. Kidneys help in keeping the blood pressure under control and it removes waste and other toxins from our body. Kidneys also help in promoting healthy development of the bones.
High blood pressure, diabetes and hardening of arteries are also responsible to cause kidney diseases. It is advisable that people suffering from any of these ailments take good care of their health. Visit the physician immediately in case of any abnormality.

Certain symptoms like difficulty in sleeping, headaches, swollen ankles and legs, low appetite, fatigue, pain in the abdominal region where the kidneys are located and alteration in the amount and colour of urine indicate kidney disease. After the age of 30, a person must pay special attention to his health and take extra precautions to prevent any damage to the kidneys. Stay hydrated; follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly.

Despite people being born with two kidneys,kidney transplant is the most common transplant in the world. Proper awareness of kidney diseases is the key to prevent various diseases associated with it.

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