Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Symptoms and causes of Pancreatic cancer

Have you been passing dark coloured urine? Suffering from diarrhea and vomiting? Chances are that you could be suffering from pancreatic cancer.

Pancreas is a vital organ of the body .Its main function is to secrete enzymes that help in digestion and hormones that help regulate the metabolism of sugar.Pancreatic cancer occurs when the pancreas become abnormal and start multiplying. If not detected at an early stage, pancreatic cancer could lead to death.

Symptoms of Pancreatic Cancer
·       -  Dark urine
·         -Nausea
·       -  Vomiting
·       -  Abdominal pain
·         -Weight loss
·       - Light coloured stool
·        - Weight loss
·       - Elevated blood sugar

Factors that can increase the risk of pancreatic cancer are;
·        - Being Overweight
·         - Inflammation of pancreas
·        - Smoking
·        - Genetics
·       -  Diabetes

A person suffering from any of the above symptoms should immediately report to a physician. Delaying treating pancreatic cancer could lead to other health issues such as jaundice, weight loss, severe pain and bowel obstruction.

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is a multispecialty hospital ,centrally located in Kharghar. Our super services range from Neurology, Neurosurgery, Urology, Nephrology, Plastic surgery, to Joint replacement, Orthopedic Surgery, Trauma, and Critical Care conducted by highly qualified specialists and super-specialists.         

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Thursday, 23 April 2015

Protect your kidneys

Kidney diseases are highly prevalent not only in India but across the globe as well. Every 1 out of 10 people in India suffer from kidney disease. Most of the kidney diseases are preventable and curable. The worst part is, many people are not even aware  that they are suffering from the disease.

Read on to know some facts about your kidneys.
Situated on either side of the spin, kidneys not only purify blood but also regulate the water in the body and releases hormones into the blood. Kidneys help in keeping the blood pressure under control and it removes waste and other toxins from our body. Kidneys also help in promoting healthy development of the bones.
High blood pressure, diabetes and hardening of arteries are also responsible to cause kidney diseases. It is advisable that people suffering from any of these ailments take good care of their health. Visit the physician immediately in case of any abnormality.

Certain symptoms like difficulty in sleeping, headaches, swollen ankles and legs, low appetite, fatigue, pain in the abdominal region where the kidneys are located and alteration in the amount and colour of urine indicate kidney disease. After the age of 30, a person must pay special attention to his health and take extra precautions to prevent any damage to the kidneys. Stay hydrated; follow a healthy diet, exercise regularly.

Despite people being born with two kidneys,kidney transplant is the most common transplant in the world. Proper awareness of kidney diseases is the key to prevent various diseases associated with it.

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Monday, 20 April 2015

Stay cool with these cool foods.

 Summer is here and so is the sweltering heat! Summer brings with it several health issues including dehydration and exhaustion. This happens due to the heat generated in our body. To stay healthy even in the summer, one must consume foods that help the body in cooling down. Here’s a list of such ‘cool ’foods.

Curd – A great source protein,  probiotics and vitamins, it makes up for a super food during summer. It can be used to prepare buttermilk, lassi and flavoured yoghurt. It cools the body and replenishes it with minerals that are often lost due to perspiration.

Coconut water – Coconut water is loaded with natural electrolytes and benefits the body by replacing the lost fluids. A perfect beverage for summer, coconut water is fat free and is great to taste.

Cucumber –  Have it in your salads or plain, cucumbers make for good summer food . 96% of cucumber is made up of water, which helps in preventing dehydration. One can also have cucumber juice or soups to beat the heat.

Watermelon –  95%  content of watermelon  is water. This delicious fruit can be had as it or with a dash of pepper.

Lemon Juice–  Lemon  juice helps the body replace the lost minerals due to sweating. Have a glassful everyday and feel refreshed!

Sugarcane Juice – Sugar cane juice is packed with calcium, magnesium,iron ,manganese ,potassium and iron. It also has a low glycemic index making this sweet juice a great energy drink for summer.

Leafy vegetables like spinach , broccoli, peas, gourds etc have  a water content of about 75%. These vegetables supply our body with he essential nutrients and promote good health by improving our immune system.

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Thursday, 16 April 2015

Some facts on Swine flu

Swine flu or swine influenza is a respiratory disease. It is caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tracts of pigs. Earlier the virus spread only among pigs but now the virus has become deadly and has been spreading among humans too.
Swine flu spreads easily from one person to another and is highly contagious. It is spread through mucus, air and saliva.

Symptoms of Swine flu
Several symptoms of swine flu are similar to that of common seasonal flu. However, one should always cover his nose and mouth while sneezing and coughing to avoid spread of the virus. Few of the early symptoms of swine flu are listed below

·         Stuffy nose
·         Cough
·         Sore throat
·         Fever
·         Diarrhea
·         Vomiting
·         Fatigue
·         Body aches
·         Headaches
·         Chills

Every one need not panic if he/she has swine flu symptoms. Pregnant women, children below three, adults over 60 years of age, people with medical conditions like asthma, lung infection, weak immune system, and heart diseases are most susceptible to swine flu. A person falling any of the above category must immediately report to the doctor if he/she has swine flu symptoms. A lab test is the only way to differentiate between seasonal flu and swine flu.

Having said that, the old adage ,prevention is better than cure still stands in good stead for all. Wash your hands with soap and water regularly. Avoid touching your face, nose and eyes. Avoid people who are sick. These simple guidelines will help you stay healthy and be aware of swine flu.

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Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Walk your way to good health!

Walking is one of those few exercises that have been enjoyed by people for centuries. It energizes you and compels your to relax completely.  Walking uplifts your mood promoting happiness and reducing chances of depression.

 In today’s fast paced life, a person deprives himself of the much needed oxygen that is needed for the existence. Walking early in the morning helps one get fresh oxygen from the air. This provides great amount of energy to the joints. By walking, you constantly move your joint, which increases the blood circulation thus releasing good cholesterol in the blood.

Other benefits of walking are;

-    Promotes good cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness
-    Reduces chances of heart diseases and strokes.
-    Makes bones stronger and improves balance
-     Reduces body fat
-     Reduces high BP and diabetes
-     Reduces stiffness in joints
-  Boosts immune system

Walk for a good 30 minutes every day to reap in maximum benefits of walking. Overall, walking poses very less health risks.But , if you have any medical condition , consult with your physician before starting any new regimen.

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Friday, 10 April 2015

Symptoms of Spinal Tumour

Have you been suffering from back pain for several days now? It could be signs of spinal tumour. One needs to treat Spinal tumour immediately otherwise, it could spread to other parts of the body like lungs, breast etc. Spinal tumours could occur inside the spinal cord, the membrane covering the spinal cord or between the meninges and bones of the spinal cord.
 Read on to know the symptoms of spinal tumour.

·        - Extreme pain in the middle or lower back area especially when you lie down.
·         -Experience pain in the back while coughing or sneezing.
·        -  Pain in the back that moves to the hip,legs , arms and upto the feet.
·       -  No sensation in knee and/or ankle.
·        - Chill sensation in hands and legs and even other parts of the body.
·        - Difficulty in walking that might lead to falls
·         -Difficulty in feeling heat or cold
·        - No control over the bowel
·      -   Inability to control urine from leaking
·        - Muscle spasm/cramps

If you have been facing any of these symptoms for a few days , then it is advisable that you consult a neurosurgeon immediately.

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer develops in the breast tissues.The first sign of breast cancer is indicated by a lump in the breast or an abnormal mammogram. Breast cancer can affect both men and women.Men too need to pay attention to these details. Breast cancer at an early stage can be cured while metastic breast cancer needs several treatments.

Several factors such as obesity ,lack of physical activity, consumption of alcohol, hormone replacement therapy during menopause,early age at first menstruation, having children at an older age are all responsible for causing breast cancer.

Participate in the Breast Cancer awareness camp at Medicity Hospital Kharghar.

All primitive Cancer detection tests at special reasonable rates. 

Prevention is better than cure! take precautions and fight Cancer!

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