Saturday 21 March 2015

What does a Pediatrician do?


Wish you all a very happy and a prosperous Gudi Padwa! May this new year bring lot of peace and good health and joy in your lives.

In this blog let us cover about one of our several services that we provide-Pediatrics

Who is a Pediatrician?
A pediatrician is a medical physician , who is responsible to manage the  mental and physical well being of children/ adolescents.

Responsibilities of a Pediatrician;

-Reduce Infant and Child Mortality
-Reduce the spread of infectious diseases
-Treat children with chronic health conditions.

Pediatricians counsel and guide children and their parents alike on matters concerning diet, hygiene and disease prevention. The field of pediatrics is a collaborative field which means that a pediatrician may refer a patient to a medical expert if he manifests symptoms of a serious medical condition. Pediatrics is a very broad field; hence there arises the need for collaborative effort among medical professionals.

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