Wednesday 18 March 2015

Some Facts on Total Knee Replacement Surgery

A warm welcome to all the readers.

Today,knee replacement surgery has become very common and is one of the most widely performed surgeries in the world. To start with, let us first understand what is total knee replacement.

Total Knee Replacement is a surgical process that involves replacing of the bad knee joint with artificial materials.It is also known as Arthoplasty. A person who is suffering from osteoarthiritis and rheumatoid arthritis is the one who normally opts for a total knee replacement surgery.

Procedures involved in Total Knee Replacement Surgery;
-In this surgery, the end of the femur bone (thigh bone) is removed surgically and then replced with a metal shell.
-The end of the lower leg bone is also removed and is replaced with a channeled plastic piece with a metal piece.
- The Artificial components are known as prothesis.
- A patient would be discharged in about 5 days after the surgery.
-The patient would normally have to use crutches as support to walk for a few days after the surgery.When in the hospital, it would be monitored by the medical staff.
- Physiotherapy would be recommended by the surgeon.
-After about 8 weeks of proper medications and physiotherapy sessions, the patient will be able to walk without any assistance and resume his normal routine life.

Technology definitely has improved by leaps and bounds but the willingness and attitude of the patient is necessary for a successful outcome.

#khargharmedicity #kalambolihospital #belapurhospital #khargharhospital


  1. Very good blog. Anyone who is searching for the supreme quality knee replacement surgery in India within cost-effective cost package. You can click on this link and consult with the ortho experts of EVA Hospital - Otrho Centre.
