Friday 27 March 2015

Taking care of diabetes

There are 3 main types of diabetes namely,Type -I ,Type -II and gestational diabetes.

Type I is an auto immune disease that occurs to a person as a child or a young adult. Such diabetes occurs when the pancreas produce very little insulin or no insulin at all.Type I diabetes is also believed to be a genetic condition.People suffering from Type I diabetes will have to do so for life and will  depend on insulin shots and other treatments for insulin.

Type II diabetes occur in obese or overweight people.Most of the people across the globe suffer from Type II diabetes.It is more of a lifestyle disease that occurs when a person leads a sedentary life and has little no exercise in his routine.Type II diabetes occurs when the pancreas fail to produce insulin or when the body is unable to use the insulin properly.

The third and the main type of diabetes, gestational diabetes occurs in a woman during her pregnancy.This normally occurs in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. Gestational diabetes disappears once the baby is born,unlike the other two forms of diabetes.However, a woman may develop gestational diabetes during her second pregnancy and also would be at a risk of suffering from Type II diabetes in her later life.

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