Friday 14 August 2015

Mediterranean diet for Endometrial cancer

Yes. You heard that right! A recent study has shown that Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of endometrial cancer.

Endometrial cancer affects women in their 50’s and it is caused due to the  growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the uterus. It is also known as uterine cancer.

The food choices that a woman makes can affect her health directly.It also affects her uterus. It is recommended that for a woman to stay healthy, she must eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately and avoid smoking and drinking. 

A typical Mediterranean diet consists of
1) Brinjals
3) Hazelnuts
6)Olive oil

The diet also includes intake of a small amount of meat,fish  and dairy products.

The study has revealed that women who included nine components of the Mediterranean diet were 57% less likely to develop uterine cancer when compared to those who included only seven components of the diet. Women who followed only five components of Mediterranean diet were only 34% less likely to develop endometrial cancer. Less than five components showed that women were at a higher risk of developing uterine cancer.

It is however, noteworthy that cancer may develop due to our genes and age. Leading  a healthy lifestyle helps in lowering the risks of cancer and at times prevent it . 

Eat healthy, stay healthy !

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