Tuesday 4 August 2015

Dental Myths busted!

So many myths have surrounded dental problems. It is high time we bust these myths and get the facts right! The main cause of such myths to surface is fear in people to visit a dentist. Do not be misguided by false information. Read on to know about the facts.

Myth 1:  Teeth must not be bleached
Fact: If teeth are bleached under proper guidance, it will whiten the teeth. Over bleaching may cause the teeth to turn translucent but no damage would be done to the enamel.
Myth 2: One must avoid brushing his teeth when gums bleed
Fact: On the contrary, bleeding gums need to be brushed as it indicates plaque and accumulation of food.Ideal way to brush is to keep the brush at 45 degrees pointing towards the gums. Flossing along the curve of the tooth is also beneficial.
 Myth 3:  Bad breath indicates poor brushing
Fact:If you brush and floss your teeth regularly ,one can get rid of bad breath. Certain foods like garlic and onions and some diseases may also be responsible for causing bad breath.
Myth 4: Sugar is bad for the teeth
Fact: Consuming foods rich in sugar does not cause tooth decay. It is the amount of time the sugar stays in the mouth that causes damage to the tooth enamel.
Myth 5: You will know when you develop cavity
Fact: As a matter of fact, tooth decay has no symptoms. One will know about the tooth decay only after it has advanced to certain level.
Myth 6: Kids below 5 years need not brush
Fact: On the contrary it is important to brush the milk teeth and maintain proper dental hygiene. This will ensure proper dental hygiene in the long run.

Myth 7: Sensitivity in teeth indicates tooth decay
Fact:  Sensitivity in teeth occurs due to several reasons such as broken tooth, hypersensitive teeth etc. It is not necessarily an indication of tooth decay.
It is highly recommended that you visit a dentist immediately in case you face tooth ache or any other tooth or gum problem.

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