Thursday 10 September 2015

Are you suffering from deficiency of Vitamin D?

If you feel exhausted all the time and experience soreness in the muscles, you could be suffering from deficiency of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D  is required by the body to maintain a healthy amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.It also promotes growth and remodeling of the bones.Vitamin D is needed for proper functioning of neuromuscular tissues. It is also needed for maintaining a healthy immune system and healthy growth of hair follicles. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause rickets in infants.

Importance of Vitamin D
·         Deficiency of Vitamin D hampers the absorption of calcium in the intestines and the body, thus making intake of calcium supplements useless.
·         Usage of sunscreen lotions blocks the body’s ability to produce vitamin D by a great extent.
·          Natural sunlight helps the body greatly in producing vitamin D. However, it cannot penetrate through glass.Thus it becomes essential for you to expose yourself to sun’s rays in the open for a few minutes everyday

Who are at risk?
·         People with dark skin
·         Aged and housebound people
·         Babies of mothers having Vitamin D deficiency
·         People who keep themselves covered constantly.

Symptoms and Signs of Vitamin D deficiency
·         Slow growth in children
·         Delayed tooth formation
·         Dental problems
·         Tingling sensations
·         Weakness
·         Muscle cramps
·         Pain in the bones
·         Deformities in the spine and bones.
·         Stooping/ Bad Posture
·          Loss of height

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is a multispecialty hospital in Kharghar. It has the best facilities and caters to all emergency cases. It has a team of qualified and experienced surgeons and also a well trained nursing staff.

Saturday 5 September 2015

Foods that will keep you healthy this monsoon

Monsoon is one of the most loved seasons by all children and old alike. Sipping hot cup of coffee/tea and having hot bhajjiyas is the ideal treat during monsoon.However, with monsoons comes a host of diseases and one must take precautions to avoid falling sick. Given below are few foods that will help you remain healthy this monsoon.

It is recommended that you eat fresh and cooked food preferably home cooked.Fresh fruits and vegetables provide the body with the necessary nutrients hence it is essential that you consume them.
Always wash your hands before cooking and it is advisable not to cook food for others in case you are ill.
All leftover food should be immediately kept in the refrigerator and consumed at the earliest. This ensures that there is no growth of fungus on the food. Also stale, discoloured and decayed food must be disposed off immediately.
Refrain yourself from eating fried and fatty food items. Instead consume freshly prepared soups ,corn, oats, chickpeas ,protein rich foods.
Increase the  intake of pepper, garlic, ginger ,coriander ,turmeric and jeera powder in your diet.These help in better digestion and improve the immune system.
Avoid consuming more than 2 cups of Tea or coffee in a day and last but not the least drink plenty of water. Ensure that the water is boiled and filtered.
Follow the above tips and stay healthy!

In case you do fall ill then it is best to consult a general physician at the best hospital in Kharghar- Kharghar Medicity Hospital

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Prevent Malaria this monsoon

Malaria is caused by mosquitoes and claims approximately 5,00,000 lives every year.It is a life threatening disease and every individual along with the government will have to work together to eradicate it.
Few symptoms of malaria could be shivering chills, high fever and headaches. If a person shows any of these symptoms, he should seek medical attention immediately.

Here are a few tips that will help prevent spread of malaria.

1.      Cleaniliness must be maintained at home. Unhygienic homes serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.It is believed that just by maintaining cleanliness at will help keeping malaria at bay.
2.      Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.Drink boiled water .
3.      Avoid street food and have home cooked food at all times.
4.      Store food in good quality containers to avoid any contamination. Keep the kitchen counters clean and ensure that the kitchen is cleaned  after cooking.It is recommended to use a disinfectant to clean the floor.
5.      If you suffer from fever for more than 3 days ,it should be reported to a physician without delay.
6.      It is recommended that you apply a strong repellant to keep flies and mosquitoes away.
7.      It is advisable to stay away from damp and insanitary places. Avoid water in dirty and polluted  water
8.      Wear light coloured clothes as dark coloured clothes attract mosquitoes and flies and put you at a greater risk of being bitten.
9.      Try to stay in colder rooms as mosquitoes cannot thrive in cold temperatures.

      Kharghar Medicity Hospital in Kharghar houses experienced and highly qualified physicians and surgeaons.If you suffer from any of the symptoms of malaria, you can consult with our physician and get your self examined.

Monday 31 August 2015

Facts on Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is a medical procedure with the purpose of altering or restoring the form of the body. Though cosmetic or aesthetic surgery is the most well known kind of plastic surgery, plastic surgery itself is not necessarily considered cosmetic; and includes many types surgeries such as  reconstructive surgery, craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, microsurgery, and the treatment of burns.
The use of surgery is usually to restore the form and function of the body; maxillo-facial surgeons, plastic surgeons and otolaryngologists perform surgery to reconstruct the faces after trauma and to reconstruct the head and neck after cancer.Plastic surgeons use the reconstructive ladder to deal with
wounds. This ranges from very simple techniques such as primary closure and dressings to more complex skin grafts, tissue expansion and free flaps.

Development of Plastic surgery services and treatments.

The father of modern plastic surgery is Sir Harold Gillies, a New Zealand otolaryngologist working in London, who developed many of the techniques of modern facial surgery for soldiers suffering from disfigured facial injuries during the First World War. Biomaterials are plastic implants used to correct or replace damaged body parts. The process involves scientific and medical research to ensure that the biomaterials are biocompatible and that they can assume the mechanical and functioning roles of the components they are replacing. A successful implantation can best be achieved by a team that understands not only the anatomical, physiological, biochemical and pathological aspects of the problem, but also comprehends bioengineering. Cellular and tissue engineering is crucial to know for reconstructive procedures.

 Treatments and Services

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons have been working for every specialist who studies plastic surgical techniques or works in conjunction with a plastic surgeon. The innovative techniques for cosmetic and reconstructive procedures (including breast, hand, pediatric, craniofacial, burn, experimental, peripheral nerve) –are used. The cosmetic sector provides expanded coverage on new procedures and techniques

Cosmetic surgery procedures include breast enhancement, reduction and lift, face lift, forehead lift, upper and lower eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), laser skin resurfacing (laser resurfacing), chemical peel, nose reshaping (rhinoplasty), reconstruction liposuction, nasal reconstruction using the paramedian flap, as well as tummy tuck (abdominoplasty)

Techniques and procedures

In plastic surgery, the transfer of skin tissue (skin grafting) is a very common procedure. Skin grafts can be derived from the recipient or donors:
·         Autografts are taken from the recipient. If absent or deficient of natural tissue, alternatives can be cultured sheets of epithelial cells in vitro or synthetic compounds, such as integra, which consists of silicon and bovine tendon collagen with glycosaminoglycans.

·         Allografts are taken from a donor of the same species.

·         Xenografts are taken from a donor of a different species.Usually, good results are expected from plastic surgery if proper care and planning of post surgeries is done.

Reconstructive surgery

Reconstructive plastic surgery is done to correct burns; traumatic injuries, such as facial bone fractures and breaks; congenital abnormalities, such as cleft palates or cleft lips; developmental abnormalities; infection and disease; and cancer or tumors. Reconstructive plastic surgery is usually performed to improve function, but it may be done to approximate a normal appearance. The most common reconstructive procedures are tumor removal, laceration repair, scar repair, hand surgery, and breast reduction plasty. Some other common reconstructive surgical procedures include breast reconstruction after a mastectomy for the treatment of cancer, cleft lip and palate surgery, contracture surgery for burn survivors, and creating a new outer ear when one is congenitally absent.
Plastic surgeons use microsurgery to transfer tissue for coverage of a defect when no local tissue is available. Free flaps of skin, muscle, bone, fat, or a combination may be removed from the
body, moved to another site on the body, and reconnected to a blood supply by suturing arteries and veins as small as 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter.

 Cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery is an optional procedure that is performed on normal parts of the body with the only purpose of improving a person’s appearance and/or removing signs of aging. Nineteen of
the procedures are surgical, such as rhinoplasty or facelift. The removal nonsurgical procedures include Botox and laser.

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is the best multi specialty hospital in Kharghar and is equipped with all the latest technology. It has all the modern amenities and several super specialist surgeons to treat all kinds of ailments.

Friday 28 August 2015

Prevent Gastroenteritis this monsoon!

Gastroenteritis or food poisoning is a viral infection of the intestines and stomach. Some of the symptoms of gastroenteritis are diarrhea,vomiting, fever, chills and even stomach cramps. Mild cases of food poisoning can be treated with over the counter medications. However, if the person develops high fever accompanied by blood in the vomit or the stools, it can be serious and he/she may have to be admitted in the hospital for advanced treatment.

Some facts that you should know about gastro enteritis are;
1.       Gastroenteritis is commonly caused by bacteria like Ecoli, Salmonella, Campylobacteria and virus like Norovirus. The virus is commonly transmitted through contaminated water, raw or under cooked food and unhygienic personal hygiene.
2.       Both children and adults can be affected by this disease. It is recommended that a child if infected, should be treated immediately.
3.       Gastroenteritis is highly transmittable as the viruses thrive on faeces and vomit and hence spread easily. The virus may also spread through even a sneeze. Patients can be responsible of spreading the virus upto 48 hours after their symptoms have stopped.It is imperative that the people living around the patient take all the precautions.
4.       To know more details about gastroenteritis, a sample of the patient’s stool would give a better understanding.
5.       Gastroenteritis due to bacteria spread due to poor personal hygiene. It is important that people wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after using the washroom,cleaning nappies etc. Pets and rotten food can also be home to these infectious viruses.
6.       It takes almost 6- 12 hours for the symptoms of gastroenteritis to be noticed and its recovery depends on the severity of his condition.It is advisable that a person continues to consume bland food for a few days despite having an increased appetite after being infected with gastroenteritis.
7.       Dairy products, sugar, oily food, alcohol, smoking must be avoided when infected with food poisoning.

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is a multispecialty hospital in Kharghar and it caters to ailments. It has a team of experienced and well trained doctors and  equipped to deal with any emergency. Contact the general physician at Kharghar Medicity Hospital in case you suffer from Gastroenteritis.

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Know the difference between Gynecologist and Obstetrician.

Gynecology is the study and analysis of reproductive care of women considering the core factors which has appropriate and significant knowledge likely in fundus of uterus , ovary , uterine tube, ovarian ligament and many other crucial components which  are the inculcated terms in Gynecology.
Obstetrician is basically concerned precautions with women taken probably after pregnancy or within the pregnancy. It also considers the study of fetus. Almost all categories in gynecologist includes into obstetricians.

How to differentiate between a Gynecologist & an Obstetrician?

Basically , a doctor who has the specialization in the medicinal care of women for their reproductive system which includes analysis of vagina , ovaries & uterus where as in Obstetrician studies the specialization is in the surgical care of women and their children while pregnancy , childbirth and post natal care.

In gynecology it has to deal with uterine or vaginal infections ,mammograms and pap smear, contraception, tubal ligation and hysterectomies , confirms the pregnancy and then transfer to the obstetrician and in obstetrician the core analysis includes pregnancy ,post natal/post partum care and delivery along with performing regular ultrasounds usually in the first trimester at 12th week and 20th week of pregnancy to determine healthy of the fetus , identify any complications and determine gestational period.

There are numerous surgeries would be performed by gynecologist namely hysterectomy, oophorectomy , laprotomy , cystoscopy ,tubal ligation, laproscopy where as vaginal and cesarean deliveries and episotomy performed in the obstetrician surgical method.

Diseases in Gynecology vs Obstetrics Mechanism
There are several diseases can be counted in the section of gynecology likely the cancer of reproductive organs (ovaries , fallopian tubes , cervix , uterus , vagina and vulva), incontinence , prolapsed of pelvic organs , fungal , bacterial or protozoal infection.

 In obstetrician field the surgeons do not cure any diseases in that place they deal with complications while having childbirth like Ectopic pregnancy , fetal distress , preeclampsia , placental abruption ,prolapsed cord ,hemorrhage and sepsis.

Educating Gynecologist and Obstetrician:
Gynecology is almost has equivalent study for gynecology and obstetrician both. Obstetrics and gynecology are often combined have single form after their post graduation medical training which can be said as OB/GYN. But while surging if any complications founded after baby born which will be treated by NEO – natal specialties. Well in the education field , Australia has the longest period with 6 years globally , in India after 5 years of MBBS with one year of internship ,  a post graduate diploma in OB/GYN takes 2 years and MD takes 3 years .

If you need the best Gynecologist in Kharghar or the best Obstetrician in Kharghar then visit Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

Friday 21 August 2015

Hurdles faced for Organ donation in India

        Health and wealth are part and parcel of life. Without health, we cannot live a happy life. At the same time, we need money to satisfy our basic needs and maintenance of good health. But when we don’t have either of the one it becomes a reason of concern as to how to fight back this hurdle and overcome it back. It becomes a reason of concern for we human beings when it comes to single organ failure or multiple organ failure, as organ donation rate in India is lower than any other country in the World. Organ donation involves removing the  tissues or  organs of the human body (live or dead) and then placing it to a living patient who is in need of a transplant. Organs that can be transplanted are removed through a  surgery, considering  the health condition of the donor and recipient based on the donor's medical background, to find out if they are suitable for transplantation. 

       Organs Donation after death is not allowed, so it becomes even more difficult to donate an organ to a needy one after the donor’s death.Though many deaths all over the world are due to shortage of organ donors in India, there are many who are of a mindset that without my organs my soul would be denied entry to heaven’.  There is a need to change mindset & attitude towards Organ Donation. Organ Donation is the need of the hour which everyone has to think and know about it. As finding a donor match is already a difficult in these days, even less awareness makes the entire process of Organ donation and transplant even more difficult in this country. Those people belonging to the lower class income group who wish to donate their organs either do not have sufficient information about Organ donation or are hesitant to take step due to lack of awareness. 
        Organ Donation Day in India is celebrated on 13th of August every year in India in order to motivate people to donate the organs as well as to understand the value of organ donation in the life of any person. The organ donated by any human being is properly to transplant into the patient whenever he or she require. The organ donor can be anyone of from whose body the organ can be transplanted to the patient when he/she requires. Some practical steps are taken to remove animals organs and transplant it to human body if possible. One can get the new life through the organ transplantation donated by someone.On this day this year, many people pledged to donate their organs.

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is the best multi specialty hospital in Kharghar. For more information on organ donation and any other illness visit the Kharghar Medicity Hospital.

Friday 14 August 2015

Mediterranean diet for Endometrial cancer

Yes. You heard that right! A recent study has shown that Mediterranean diet lowers the risk of endometrial cancer.

Endometrial cancer affects women in their 50’s and it is caused due to the  growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the uterus. It is also known as uterine cancer.

The food choices that a woman makes can affect her health directly.It also affects her uterus. It is recommended that for a woman to stay healthy, she must eat a balanced diet, exercise moderately and avoid smoking and drinking. 

A typical Mediterranean diet consists of
1) Brinjals
3) Hazelnuts
6)Olive oil

The diet also includes intake of a small amount of meat,fish  and dairy products.

The study has revealed that women who included nine components of the Mediterranean diet were 57% less likely to develop uterine cancer when compared to those who included only seven components of the diet. Women who followed only five components of Mediterranean diet were only 34% less likely to develop endometrial cancer. Less than five components showed that women were at a higher risk of developing uterine cancer.

It is however, noteworthy that cancer may develop due to our genes and age. Leading  a healthy lifestyle helps in lowering the risks of cancer and at times prevent it . 

Eat healthy, stay healthy !