Thursday, 10 September 2015

Are you suffering from deficiency of Vitamin D?

If you feel exhausted all the time and experience soreness in the muscles, you could be suffering from deficiency of Vitamin D.

Vitamin D  is required by the body to maintain a healthy amount of calcium and phosphate in the body.It also promotes growth and remodeling of the bones.Vitamin D is needed for proper functioning of neuromuscular tissues. It is also needed for maintaining a healthy immune system and healthy growth of hair follicles. Deficiency of Vitamin D can cause rickets in infants.

Importance of Vitamin D
·         Deficiency of Vitamin D hampers the absorption of calcium in the intestines and the body, thus making intake of calcium supplements useless.
·         Usage of sunscreen lotions blocks the body’s ability to produce vitamin D by a great extent.
·          Natural sunlight helps the body greatly in producing vitamin D. However, it cannot penetrate through glass.Thus it becomes essential for you to expose yourself to sun’s rays in the open for a few minutes everyday

Who are at risk?
·         People with dark skin
·         Aged and housebound people
·         Babies of mothers having Vitamin D deficiency
·         People who keep themselves covered constantly.

Symptoms and Signs of Vitamin D deficiency
·         Slow growth in children
·         Delayed tooth formation
·         Dental problems
·         Tingling sensations
·         Weakness
·         Muscle cramps
·         Pain in the bones
·         Deformities in the spine and bones.
·         Stooping/ Bad Posture
·          Loss of height

Kharghar Medicity Hospital is a multispecialty hospital in Kharghar. It has the best facilities and caters to all emergency cases. It has a team of qualified and experienced surgeons and also a well trained nursing staff.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Foods that will keep you healthy this monsoon

Monsoon is one of the most loved seasons by all children and old alike. Sipping hot cup of coffee/tea and having hot bhajjiyas is the ideal treat during monsoon.However, with monsoons comes a host of diseases and one must take precautions to avoid falling sick. Given below are few foods that will help you remain healthy this monsoon.

It is recommended that you eat fresh and cooked food preferably home cooked.Fresh fruits and vegetables provide the body with the necessary nutrients hence it is essential that you consume them.
Always wash your hands before cooking and it is advisable not to cook food for others in case you are ill.
All leftover food should be immediately kept in the refrigerator and consumed at the earliest. This ensures that there is no growth of fungus on the food. Also stale, discoloured and decayed food must be disposed off immediately.
Refrain yourself from eating fried and fatty food items. Instead consume freshly prepared soups ,corn, oats, chickpeas ,protein rich foods.
Increase the  intake of pepper, garlic, ginger ,coriander ,turmeric and jeera powder in your diet.These help in better digestion and improve the immune system.
Avoid consuming more than 2 cups of Tea or coffee in a day and last but not the least drink plenty of water. Ensure that the water is boiled and filtered.
Follow the above tips and stay healthy!

In case you do fall ill then it is best to consult a general physician at the best hospital in Kharghar- Kharghar Medicity Hospital

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Prevent Malaria this monsoon

Malaria is caused by mosquitoes and claims approximately 5,00,000 lives every year.It is a life threatening disease and every individual along with the government will have to work together to eradicate it.
Few symptoms of malaria could be shivering chills, high fever and headaches. If a person shows any of these symptoms, he should seek medical attention immediately.

Here are a few tips that will help prevent spread of malaria.

1.      Cleaniliness must be maintained at home. Unhygienic homes serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes.It is believed that just by maintaining cleanliness at will help keeping malaria at bay.
2.      Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.Drink boiled water .
3.      Avoid street food and have home cooked food at all times.
4.      Store food in good quality containers to avoid any contamination. Keep the kitchen counters clean and ensure that the kitchen is cleaned  after cooking.It is recommended to use a disinfectant to clean the floor.
5.      If you suffer from fever for more than 3 days ,it should be reported to a physician without delay.
6.      It is recommended that you apply a strong repellant to keep flies and mosquitoes away.
7.      It is advisable to stay away from damp and insanitary places. Avoid water in dirty and polluted  water
8.      Wear light coloured clothes as dark coloured clothes attract mosquitoes and flies and put you at a greater risk of being bitten.
9.      Try to stay in colder rooms as mosquitoes cannot thrive in cold temperatures.

      Kharghar Medicity Hospital in Kharghar houses experienced and highly qualified physicians and surgeaons.If you suffer from any of the symptoms of malaria, you can consult with our physician and get your self examined.